Trash Containers

In the interest of maintaining the aesthetic appeal of our community, we kindly ask that all homeowners store their trash containers out of sight from public view. This can be accomplished by placing them behind your house or behind a fence.

Evergreen HOA Trash Agreement

We're pleased to inform you that Evergreen has a special agreement in place with Waste Management, which enables our residents to enjoy a reduced rate for trash services. The current rate stands at an affordable $20.25 per month. For those interested in switching to this advantageous arrangement or learning more about the services available, we recommend reaching out directly to Waste Management at 1-866-909-4458. Please note that the HOA is unable to make changes to this arrangement on your behalf.

By participating in this agreement, you not only benefit from cost savings but also contribute to the overall tidiness and charm of our community. We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for being a responsible and considerate member of Evergreen.